hope for beyond Easter Sunday

hope for beyond Easter Sunday

Resurrection Day has approached softly this year, for me - quietly and inconspicuously, like a wisp of pinkening cloud heralds the steady arrival of sunrise. It has been easy to miss entirely while walking in the midst of the valley of the shadow, and feeling mired down in condemnation with the sinful nation of Israel for the past few weeks of Bible180.

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my Redeemer lives

my Redeemer lives

It seems like when we suffer, or when we see someone else suffering, our first question is "Why?" Maybe we believe it will hurt less if we just have a grasp of the logic of it - if there's some way to make sense of it. Maybe we are afraid that if there's no explanation, it means God must be disorderly or flippant or cruel, and we're at the mercy of Someone we can't trust.

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