and i will ask, please -

This is my favorite band.

I was introduced to them back in Bible school almost four years ago, when they were still just a little duo from Ohio trying to get their music out to the world. Now you know them as the Billboard Top 100 artist, Twenty One Pilots.

What you maybe don't know about them is that they are believers, and that many of their songs are about the ugly and all-too-real struggle between the flesh and the Spirit, between what we know and what we feel, between what is true and what is false.

This song - "Save" - is one of their earliest, and by far the most spiritually explicit (along with maybe "Clear," which comes in at the very end of the video). Coupled with the animation by Full of Eyes, this song never fails to knock my pride-filled soul back to the reality of my helplessness without the grace of God.